Wednesday, July 20

“We have lift-off”

Well, we’re not a rocket, but we certainly are moving.

Super slow….

But we’re gaining spead! Probably about as fast as I can run right now…


actually, maybe that was a false alarm.
Dang it.
We’ve come to a complete stop.

No wait! We’re moving again!
The car is steadily jerking, the engine working to get us all moving…



Whoa. It’s kinda nerve racking. The car keeps swaying sharply from side to side…

We’re passing an old freight train covered in grafitti…
darn. That would have made a cool picture…

We keep going faster, then slower, then faster again.

Time to kick off the shoes. =)

Hmph. We’ve stopped again. We’re probably about a half a mile away from the station…
I cant see anything out my window, even when I press my face up to the glass.

Okay. Now we are litterally inching along. Slower than a snail can run.

11:28 pm - August 18th

1 comment:

  1. I don't think snails can run. It really would be a feat to go slower than that. And I always kick my shoes off first thing, too :)


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