Monday, July 18

The start of the sinking in...

I think it's starting to sink in.
That I'm leaving in about 20 hours...

That I still haven't started packing.
That my room is a mess.
That I'm leaving things unfinished.

That I'm leaving things behind.

Maybe it's bad to say.... but I think that, while I'm gone, I'm gonna miss my animals the most.

This is Romeo. He's the one that I hate to leave behind the most. He's around 16 years old, has asthma, and is my bestest friend (in the animal world!). He looks young, and often times I forget that he's an "old man".  From the very start, he's always been my cat, following me and sleeping with me... When I'm gone for even a few days, I've been told that he sits in my room and "cries" for me, and when I don't come, he curls up on  my bed and waits for me.
And here I am, leaving him for a whole month.

Golly. Just that mental image makes me wanna cry ='(

 This is ChaChi. She's also around 16 years, and is just starting to show her age. She has cancer and was abused before we got her, and I spent weeks helping her become used to people picking her up and moving around her. For the longest time, I was the only one she trusted. I am still the only one she listens to half the time... I worry about her.  She is second on my list =(

Wolfie-grey    Moses-brown

These are "The Boys". Brothers that came to live with us several years ago (I think they're about 6 years old...).  Moses I'm not worried about at all - He's my grandparent's cat and pretty much lives his life in their room (he's spoiled rotten... and he loves it). Wolfie (short for Wolfgang O'Malley) is my cat and, though he can be a bit of a stinker and has an annoying, whiny meow, I get worried when I leave him alone for a long time, too. Mainly because once, he escaped from our house and was gone for 9 days before finding his way back to us - whether he was catnapped or ran away is uncertain. Also, he tries to beat up on Romeo every once in a while and tries to take the place of "King"....  I love the bugger, though.

And lastly, this is Little Girl.

Found as a tiny abandoned kitten and is more trouble than she's worth, she's the spunky tomboy little sister who likes to try and beat up her older brothers. I'm not worried about her. She's taken a liking to my mom, so she's all well and good. =)

So now you have a glimpse of how much I adore my animals.
I adore them so much in fact, that I stayed up till after 2am to blog about how I'm gonna miss them while I'm gone.

My bedroom on a typical day - The gangs all here!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's not at all bad to say. People, you can email, you can call, you know they can read your blog. They know why you left. Animals can't, and don't. So it won't make me feel bad if you miss your animals more than me :) (and sorry, I forget to put my name on the previous one again)



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