Wednesday, July 20

Oregon = Home away from home.


I've been here a grand total of 10 hours, and I'm already in love with this place.

The train pulled in around 12:45pm, and I had no idea if I was getting off at the right stop. Normally they anounce where we are, but this time they didn't. I just noticed that the man accross from me was grabbing his stuff to leave, and he had said he was going to Portland, too.
I started putting my stuff together, and I noticed a woman two seats in front of me on the other isle looking confused as I was. She turned to me.

"Is this Portland?" she asked. I gave her my best clueless face. "I have no idea," I told her. "But I'm assuming it is."

I grabbed my two backpacks, found my duffle bag, and stumbled very ungracefully off the train. Inside my head, I laughed. Hello Portland! Dont mind me, I'm from Minnesota... We have a gradeur all our own.I pulled my bag into the station and texted my cousin and aunt to let them know I'd arrived. While I waited five minutes for them to come, I pulled out my camera...

I'm here!


My aunt Michelle and cousin Danny wrapped me in hugs and threw my stuff into the back of the car, then we headed off for some brunch. I listened while they told me about all the amazing foods and shops and theatres and absolutely loved how, though it's been almost 7 years since I've been here last, it still felt like home.

We ate at this place called "Jam", and let me tell ya, the food was delicious. I got a special they were advertising - an omelet with sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, basil, and goat cheese. I wanted to eat it so fast, but forced myself to slow down and savor the taste. Man, it was good! =)

After that, we drove around a bit and they showed me a small glimpse of the scenery. Goodness, I loved it. It's just like Minneapolis, only wider spread, more of an artsy feel, and more foliage. You can drive for an hour in one direction and hit the ocean, or drive for an hour in the other direction and hit the mountains.

I think... that I would love to live here.

After we dropped Danny off at his apartment (which is SO cool...), auntie Michelle and I headed home. We hauled all my luggage in, and then I spent the next hour settling into my new room for the next month.

Then, of course, I hit the showers =)

Uncle Steve came home, and I listened with envy as he totally ripped out on his guitar in the next room. Hopefully I can squeeze some tips out of him... ;)

Danny came by and we all ate a delicious dinner of Trader Joe's garlic fries and grilled cheeseburgers with avocado and mayo (golly, I feel like I'm being spoiled...) ;)

After dinner, Danny taught us all how to play a game called "The Settlers of Catana". It's apparently really popular, though I've never heard of it... Auntie Michelle won. Now that I've caught on how to play, she might not be so lucky next time ;)

Yep... that's pretty much it. A full and wonderful day.


  1. Man i love the pics!!!! :) sounds like your having an awesome time already, i cant wait to hear err.. read more about it and see more pics. This is gonna be one fun trip for you, are the sunsets prettier there?

  2. Haha, I'll let you know when I see one =)
    And yes, I am haveing a wonderful time :)


  3. it sounds amazing. like how you can drive one way and hit the oceans and another and hit the mountains.....


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