Wednesday, June 20

... And it starts ;)

Yep. This is me. I'm a last-second-staying-up-late-procrastinator-type girl.

Remember how I was being made to pack 5 days before we left for our trip (see below post for "details")??? Well, I did. In true honesty I had my little duffel bag packed and sitting in the corner of my room 4 days ago...

It just so happens that during then and now I needed a few of those things that were in that bag, and somehow everything just sort of....
                                                             ..... escaped.

And now here I am, repacking and running around the house grabbing everything that I've written down on my list at 12:30am the night (morning?) before I leave, trying to wash my laundry and clean my room and find my toothbrush and figure out which sketchbook I want to take with me and which movies I want to bring and what jewelry I should stuff in my bag and what snacks I need to buy in the morning.

                 And yes, I am aware that is a run-on sentence, Anna. ;)    Phew, I feel like I need to take a deep breath after writing that....

It's gonna be a long night.


  1. You think I care??? I do run-on sentences all the time! I adore them. (...sometimes.)

    Unless you're referring to something I might have written on your story.



    P.S. Why do I have to sign my name? Is it truly necessary since you can see it? PLEASE RELIEVE ME OF THIS ELEPHANTINE BURDEN.

    P.S.S. Can you add me to the email list of the comments on your blog?

    P.S.S.S. Aquatinted.

  2. And, because I'm a control freak, can I ask you to split the side list into two?

    1. Only because you asked, I spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to add another list - and I even figured out how to add a couple pictures the the sidebar as well! Maybe now I'll figure out how to change my background.... ;)

      (ps) Yes. Aquatinted. Shut. ;P


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