Thursday, July 14

4 days coming...

Oh boy. It's almost here.
I wasn't going to start writing until I was actually on the train and leaving Minnesota, but I've decided that perhaps it'll be better to start now.
So here I am. Blogging four days before my big escapade. My first big adventure.

I'm so excited.

I'm not scared. I'm not even slightly nervous. Maybe that will come later, as the date draws even closer... But as for right now, I am just energized. I'm hoping that this will be a taste of what living away from home is like, as I am leaning towards going to a collage that's out-of-state. This will be an experience, that's for sure...

Golly, I cant stop thinking about it. I am leaving, as in I'll be gone, in four days. Four days. And tomorrow it will be three.
and then two.
and then one.

Bang! I'm gone.

Gol, I'm making it sound like I'm gonna die or something... Sorry about that.
But I really am excited. Ecstatic.

Well... maybe just excited... ;)


  1. I would love to have an experience like that too. Away from home for that long, to see what it was like. Since I can't for now, you'll just have to let me know what it's like

    By the way, you misspelled college ;)


  2. Gee, thanks for the spelling correction... I'm sure you'll find more in other posts ;)

    (ps) love your comments :)


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