Saturday, June 25

The First Post

I have already decided that I am not going to make this post anything extravagant. This blog's sole purpose is to let my friends in on my goings-on while I am gone for a month in Oregon. I'm leaving in 3 weeks, so I hope that I can figure everything out by then...

I'll prob delete this post in a bit. I just need to see what my blog page looks like with an actual post on it.


So don't read this.


  1. Hey. I'm feeling a bit wordless right now, but I want to tell you write now, I don't know why, I don't,

    but I'm already in love with this blog.

    It's perfect. Perfectly flawed and... yeah. The gray, the About Me... made me ache. It's written so honestly and transparently that I loved it. Immediately. And the list of what you'll have done, so perfect, so... I sound really light and bubbly and yech right now I bet, when I feel so different, but I felt this
    weighty love

    for this place and your words and for my friend.

    I can't describe it. But I'll be listening constantly, whether you like it or not.

    Much love.

  2. I'm not sure what to say.. but i like your blog so far as i can see and i love your about me its simply beautiful.
    Love, ~Ashley

  3. So, I finally got to reading your blog. I didn't realize how much you had written, and then I wanted to sit down and read all of it... so today I did. So, don't mind the sudden flood of comments from me. My goal is to write a comment for each post. Maybe not, we'll see :)


  4. Sorry, the first comment was me, too, I forgot to sign my name, so I deleted it :)



If you're using an Open ID or Anonymous user, please sign your name at the end of your comment ~ Thanks! :)