Wednesday, July 20

A bit of a scare…

I was able to fall back asleep last night around 2:00am. My slumber didn’t last long, though. About 4 in the morning, I felt the train stop and heard some people moving about. The conductor said something over the loud speaker, and because I wasn’t fully awake, I couldn’t make out what he said.
All I heard clearly were the words, "Portland" and "Please retrieve all belongings and baggage".

I was instantly awake, spurred by the thought that I might be missing my stop. I heard the stewardess coming down the isle, and I called out to her as she walked by my seat, but she must not have heard me, and she continued on.

I tried to calm my beating heart and reason with myself. I wasn’t supposed to get to Oregon until 10:30 this morning… I thought. Plus, Grampa did say something about a midnight car switch, where the train would break into two and go separate ways…I laid back down on my pillow, deciding to try and go back to sleep. I’ll be fine, I assured myself. Besides, the man across the isle from me has the same ticket as I do, and he’s not getting up to leave…
The next four or five times I awoke when the train stopped gave me the same jump, but as it turns out, I was right.
We don’t reach the actual Portland stop until 10:30 or so.

7:49 am - August 20th

1 comment:

  1. I HATE that feeling! When you think you know what you're doing, but you doubt yourself, and you think you're doing something wrong and that something catastrophic will result... Yeah, it's not fun.


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